A downloadable 'game'

This game is a dogfight in 3d between one good triangle (you) & 5 bad triangles, you have bullets & missiles, there's not much else to it rn but it's good you'll like it. It has controller support & copyrighted music (1 song) by an artist called Sevish.

I made this game as my final project in a 4 month coding course I did called CodeClan, it was great but they went out of business halfway through, we still got to finish the course tho :D

I have plans to keep working on this game & add features which you can keep up with on the github - https://github.com/lookbehindyounow/shape_squadron - also if you wanna change the controls you'll have to dowload the source code & do it in the Godot editor but it's pretty simple stuff.

I would not recommend paying for this game but if you reeeaaally want to then who am I to stop you.


shape_squadron.dmg 73 MB
shape_squadron32bit.exe 87 MB
shape_squadron64bit.exe 84 MB

Install instructions

should run out of the box, if it doesn't I'm so sorry

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